
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, . . . He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners . . . " ~ Isaiah 61:1

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Creations

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Prayer Requests
~ Pray for the girls to understand what it means to be a new creation in Christ, as our newer girls study Grace Walk, and as the girls who have been here longer continue to set an example of what they have learned.

~ Pray for continued healing of the pain caused by sin and the consequences of that sin.

~ Pray that the girls continue seeking Him; we find our healing in Him.

~ Pray for the parents of our Agape Angels to continue to seek healing, and that they are able to benefit from the Parents Group and individual counseling offered through this ministry.

~ Pray for the completion of the renovation of the Sanctuary so that we can be using it fully by Christmas.

~ Pray for blessings to continue to pour forth for all who support this ministry in any way at all, whether it be a gift of their time, prayer, meals, cleaning, financial resources, etc.; it is all a blessing!

~ Pray for healing of those who support this ministry.

~ Pray for God to fill the staffing needs at Agape.

Praise Reports:
~ For the work the girls were able to do last Friday at the home of a dear friend of the ministry. The girls were able to share in the tasks while working together and cooperating; they completed a tremendous amount of outside work for a family (see picture above).

~ For an Agape Angel asking for a concordance for a Christmas present, as the desire of her heart is to get to know Him more intimately, while gaining more understanding about the meaning of the original text before translations of the Bible.

~ For an awakening among a few students in the understanding of what they are responsible for , and for the vicious cycle of the ‘blame game’ to end!

~ For a respite from the physical pain for the staff. Continued prayers of healing for all those suffering physical, emotional and spiritual wounds. “By His wounds you have been healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

~ For several girls opening their Bibles and reading on their “own” time.

~ For the gift of laughter; hearing the girls giggle is a balm to our ears.

~ For the progress that has been made this past week with the renovation of the loft in the Sanctuary; it is almost ready to be used!

~ For the joy of the Fall colors we have had the past few weeks while we prepare for a new season!

Wish List:

Healthy snacks

Ways to Help at this time:
~ Volunteer as a tutor on Thursday morning and a teacher’s assistant on Friday morning.

~ Save your Campbell’s labels and/or Box Tops for Education, and drop them off at Agape so we can redeem them for items for the school or home.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the [one] who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8

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