
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, . . . He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners . . . " ~ Isaiah 61:1

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Perfect Peace

MORE SATURDAY WORK DAYS: This Saturday, March 2 (9a.m. – 4p.m.) we will be working on the new building at 230 S. Main Street, which is right across the street from Agape House. Please consider helping out if you are available.

PAINTERS NEEDED: There is a still some painting to be completed. This can be done on Saturday or any time. Just call and let us know so we can be sure to unlock the doors. Painting supplies are all provided.

“You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm, and put their trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3 (TEV)

Prayer Requests:
~Please pray that each of the girls will know that they can find their purpose in God alone.

~We are still praying and trusting God for the full $10,000 needed to finish up the renovations for the Transitional Living Home for young women, ages 18 to 28, who are in need of some guidance in their lives. This will allow us to open the Counseling Center and the Transition Home, as we already have girls on a waiting list! This will provide a safe home for these young women while they receive biblical counseling and learn independent living skills through work and education. Thank you all so much for your ongoing support and prayer.

~Please continue to pray for God to provide mentors for each of the girls – someone to spend one-on-one time encouraging, supporting and just having fun times with them.

~ Please pray for general donations as well, as giving is down at this time of the year; our account is at $0, and we need to continue paying our staff and the bills.

~ Pray for the girls as they spend more time working at improving their relationships with their families; pray that they recognize this is a process and it does take time, and with God's help, they will reach their goals!

Praise Reports:
~ Praise God for His faithfulness always.

~ For the progress the girls are making in the classroom with their school work; in their Bible Study classes and counseling with their healing; and in their relationships with their families as they begin to have longer family visits.

Items Needed:
No. 10 Envelopes
Copy Paper
Manilla Files
The Naked Gospel, book by Andrew Farker
Hand-held cassette players (to listen to recorded information for counseling)
ACT Study Guide 2010 – The Official Study Guide
Electric stapler
Healthy snacks
Christian magazines for the waiting room at the counseling center; i.e., The Post, Joyce Meyer magazine, etc.

Wish List:
Gift Registry for Transition Home/Counseling Center: If you would like to help furnish the Transition Home and Counseling Center, please check out our registry at Kohl’s and Target.
For Kohl’s we are registered under ‘Special Days’ as First Name: Agape, Last Name: House, #1671533. For Target we are registered under ‘Target List’ (not registry) under Agape House.

Dorm-size refrigerator for the counseling center
Microwaves – need 1 or 2 nice ones for the new building
Ball cart/rack (for in the gym)
Badminton set
Footballs (nerf and regular)
Balls for foosball table
Mini Van (Used and in good shape) – free or very good price

Ways to help in the ministry of Agape House:
~If you are interested in sponsoring a girl for the Dare 2 Share Youth Conference, the cost is $75.00 per girl which covers the conference, meals and the hotel. This event takes place in April; please submit your sponsorship by the end of March.

~Someone to clean out the chimney in the fireplace at the counseling center.

~Volunteers to help with regular cleaning to supplement the daily chores performed by the girls.

~Provide financial support to help with tuition assistance for a girl here; we have many girls whose families are only able to pay a fraction of the cost of the services we provide for them.

~Be a tutor.

~Be a mentor.

~ Volunteer to repair stained glass.

~Bring in your Campbell’s labels and Box Tops for Education - ask family and friends to collect them as well.

“Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” Colossian 1:16b

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