
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, . . . He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners . . . " ~ Isaiah 61:1

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Love Never Fails

“Love never fails.” I Corinthians 13:8

Prayer Requests:
~ Pray for our Agape Angels to learn to show love even when it’s hard, and especially when someone doesn’t respond to it or never gives anything back.

~ For the requirements being met for an off-site student to achieve her dream of receiving a high school diploma.

~ For courage and strength to not fall for the devil’s lies. For all to cling to God’s Word and read the Bible each day.

~For wisdom.

~For eyes to ‘see’ the foolishness and not be drawn in to the ‘time-stealing drama’.

~For healthy bodies and recuperation of many staff and students.

~For test results and the patience to endure the wait.

~For a healthy pregnancy and delivery of baby Tost.

~ For a healthy pregnancy and delivery of a healthy niece for one of our students.

~ For healing for all staff who need it; and comfort and patience for those waiting out the process.

Praise Reports:

~ For successful completion of many PACEs this week.

~ For the beautiful weather and the ability to take our daily walk.

~ For the safety from the inclement weather conditions this past weekend.

~ For safety in travel from Silver Birch Ranch.

~ For the gift of working and using our God-given abilities to serve others.

~ For clarity in knowing the Truth.

~ For the peace that passes all understanding.

~ For the gift of language and the understanding of what it means to be a person of integrity.

~ For the gift of books and the encouragement, comprehension, vocabulary, and speed improvements in all students.

~ For patience in dealing with many relationships.

~ For all who support this ministry in so many ways, from toilet paper to meals to mentoring, and everything in between!

~ For the joy of the hope for a fabulous summer for everyone.

Wish List:
Scrapbook Albums
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Healthy snacks
Mini Van (used and in good shape) - free or very good price
Gas Cards to take the girls to various events in the van
Gift cards for the girls to be able to go to Starbucks, bowling, a movie, or Subway

We have an Agape graduate who is finishing up her senior year of college, and is $6,000 short for her tuition. A generous donor has agreed to match whatever is donated. If you are able to help in any way, please send in your checks to Agape House at P O Box 68, Walworth, WI 53184, made payable to ‘Agape House’. Your donations will be tax deductible. Please note on the Memo Line: ‘College Scholarship’.

Ways to Help at this time:

~ Volunteer needed for art therapy.

~ Volunteer to repair stained glass.

~ Bible Study materials (contact Pam Patterson for details)
~ Sponsor a girl here; we have several girls that come from single parent families that have no money.
~ Provide finances to expand our counseling program. Our goal for 2011 is to open a Christian Biblical-based counseling center that operates on a sliding fee so no one is turned away because of finances. We are looking at renting some space close by so we can have more offices and praying for the funding for the rent and to pay the counselor’s
~ Looking for the following for Fall 2011: Christian Counselor and Resident Assistant

Bring in your Campbell’s labels and Box Tops for Education - ask family and friends to help as well.

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens. Your faithfulness to the skies.” Psalm 36:5

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