
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, . . . He sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners . . . " ~ Isaiah 61:1

Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 12th Update

Our first annual Agape School volunteer luncheon was held on Wednesday, June 10th. Grace Church in Walworth graciously gave us the use of their foyer to hold the function.

School volunteers Shawna Fiore, Dee Boviall, Shar Schultz

Ben Patterson, Gene Ingersoll, Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Hansen


Martin Office Group for donating the fax module for the copier they donated to us last year.

Pam Hoyord and Lillian Rhoades for the lovely breakfast they served to the students and staff on Tuesday morning!

Claudine Wells for the wonderful chicken salad, cheese and crackers for lunch on Wednesday.

Grace Church for the use of their foyer for our volunteer luncheon. Special thanks to all who helped with food, decorations, set-up and clean-up.


Lillian Rhoades, one of our volunteers who was in a traffic accident.

Victims of flooding and tornados across the country.

Leadership at every level: Agape House, Community, State and National.

Pray for God to bring more tutors and people willing to teach extra-curriculars next fall.

Pray for our students, that they will be able to manage their time wisely this summer. Pray that we will be able to minister to them effectively during summer school sessions. Pray for the girls who have left the program and for those who will be coming.

Pray for the families of our girls, especially the mothers, that we would be able to reach them more effectively for Christ.

Ultimately, pray that we can be bolder in our witness for Christ, that we have an even greater impact on this lost generation we so desperately want to reach for Him.

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